Tuesday 14 August 2012

I'm an Agony Aunt?!

I've decided to introduce a new feature to the blog, which is called 

I am a natural advice-giver.  I've been through a lot, and I've decided to put my experience to good use. I'm forever telling my friends what they can do to sort situations out, and I'm even giving advice to people I hardly talk to!  I really listen to what people have to say, and I love cheering people up and helping them.

I can answer nearly all questions.  Like school (primary and secondary), bullying, friendship problems, boy trouble (though not quite 'dating' and 'first kiss' who knows, maybe soon;)! but I have been through a lot with 'crushes' and definitely when your friendship comes into your love life.), perhaps even what to get your mum for her birthday!  But I will say if I'm unable to answer questions (which probably wont happen)!

I have a new tab up at the top of the blog, and I'm basically going to have posts labelled 'Ask Nicola' go there, but it will come up on your feed!  If you want to ask a question (or a few!) then leave a comment there starting 'Dear Nicola,'.  I will then gather the questions for the week and answer them on a Sunday.  I know some questions can be personal, so please feel free to turn on the 'Anonymous' feature if that's the case.  If not, then I will put your name at the bottom of the question in the post!

So, ask away and I will post next Sunday! (26/8/12)


  1. Again, thanks for nominating Blog for Joy! Would you like to join it? Email me your snwer at jadefireeyes@gmail.com. I await your response!

  2. Wow I think this is a great idea! And I think its really sweet you give lots of advice to your friends and even people you don't know :)


    1. This sounds so cool and I have always wanted to be an ''agony aunt'' kinda thing! Would you mind if I joined you and we could discuss and answer them together? It's fine if you don't want to tho! ;/ xx

    2. I'll see how it goes at first, if I get too many questions, then I will call on you to help! By all means, please feel free to do a similar thing on your blog!:D

  3. This is a great idea but the "anonymous" profile isn't available....
    Marian :D x


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!