Sunday 15 July 2012

My Evening In Pictures

I've been quite busy today, so its quite nice to relax in the evening and just chill out.

We went to Blenheim Palace today where I took a few pictures of flowers and such, and I also purchased a calligraphy set:)

Anyway, the pictures are as follows:

1. My dinner; pasta with tomato & basil sauce, Mattesson's sausage and cheese. Mmm...

2. We played some Monopoly which was good as I haven't played it in a while:(

3. Trying out my new calligraphy set:). It doesn't look like proper writing because I don't have a fancy nib to put on the end:P

4. I've begun reading the Diary of Anne Frank again because I enjoyed it so much when I read it the first time. I also think I'll understand it better since the last time I read it was about 2 years ago:)

5. Thinking up new blog post ideas! It would be a great help if you suggested some ideas for me:)


  1. Omg i love Anne Frank too! Can I just ask..I ADORE PHOTOGRAPHY too and I was wondering..what camera do u have?
    Ur so lucky u have instagram :(
    I love it but I cant use it as I don't have a phone. :(

  2. Jeez, we have so much in common!;) I just use my digital camera, the Samsung PL170. None of these photos were taken with it, but when I come back from England (I live in Scotland) then I'm going to upload the photos I've taken of flowers and stuff:D. There are apps that you can get that are just like Instagram:)x

    1. Have you heard of Pic Monkey? That is amazing. :)

    2. Just looked it up there - it looks fantastic! Will be using it to ake some pretty buttons for my page!:D


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