Tuesday 17 July 2012

Letters over Emails.

We're getting to that time now where letters are slowly fading into the past. Emails, Facebook messages, tweets and texts are becoming more and more popular, and are changing the way we communicate.

I remember I used to get a few letters when I was younger and I got so excited when I got an email. Now, it seems to be the complete opposite. I like writing letters to my gran, as she doesn't have these technical things. She always loves receiving them, as she lives a fair distance away.

Internet messages are so boring, they don't have a personal touch whatsoever (well, it depends:P). I know we take these things for granted, but why don't we try not to use them so much?

I know I would love to receive a letter, and it's fun waiting for people to reply back.

Writing letters are fun too! You can pick pretty paper, perhaps decorate your own, pick out colours to write in, and use your own hand to write to someone you care about. Someone across the world, someone you miss, or perhaps even your best friend! No matter how far or close, it will make their day, and who knows, perhaps you will get one in return!

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