Tuesday 31 July 2012

Handwriting Tag!

I'm kind of obsessed with tags now, they're so fun!  I found another one which is a handwriting tag, which will be interesting...  My handwriting varies so I wrote in my 'normal' writing, and my 'neat' writing:)


1. What's your name/blogger name?
2. What's your blogs name/URL?
3. Write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favourite quote?
5. Your favourite song?
6. Your favourite band/singer?
7. Anything else you want to say
8. Tag 3 to 5 other people

Feel free to do this, it's fun!


  1. That's a cool tag!
    Also I've tagged you for the toujou award. more info on my blog....
    Marian :D x

    1. ah, I noticed! i literally knocked back my chair and started dancing! thank you so much:D


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