Friday 13 July 2012

Finding Me Again Update! 1/2

Hello there,

Okay, if you're wondering what the Finding Me Again Challenge is, please click on the button to your left, it explains basically everything you need to know! Oh, and please follow her!

So, now we're on Month 1 Week 2 (hence the 1/2 in the title).

I'll admit I haven't been quite as good as last week, but I'm still snacking fairly healthily:P  I'm also drinking a lot more water, and I've actually been a lot happier this week.  I've also been eating a lot more bananas and wholemeal bread.

For breakfast I have a slice of toast with peanut butter and a sliced banana, and a cup of tea.  It fills me up for quite a while!  Oh, and I also had some sushi today, which is probably full of healthy stuff i'm hoping:)

Overall, I'm doing okay, but I could do better!

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