Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Best Feelings in the World.

I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday, y'know, the usual sad, depressing status' saying, "i hate my life," or, "i hope you're happy".

It's depressing for us to read these, and I'm always put on a downer after doing so.

And then I came across this picture:

There are quite a number of things on that list.  Yeah, some of them we might not have experienced yet, but there are still some that we go through every day.

For example, the last one on the list;

"knowing you will be okay"

We go through a lot as teenagers, and sometimes we just think that life is awful, or that we will never be happy again.  Things happen to us that make us expect the worst, but you know what?

We're going to be okay.

So try not to spend time dwelling over your problems, or making situations seem worse.  In the end, everything will be fine.  We shouldn't need to worry, instead we should be happy, and enjoying life.

Keep smiling,
Nicola x


  1. Awwh that's so sweet...thanks for posting. :) Btw did u get my e-mail? x

    1. you're very welcome! nope, i don't think so:(x

  2. I loved that post so much :') thanks for posting the pic :)

  3. I love this. All totally true. Another: Eating birthday cake after your first day of secondary school, then going to Scouts for the 1st time in 6 weeks to see your friends... That's probably only me though :)

    1. ah, Happy 12th Birthday, Charli! I hope you've had an amazing first day of secondary school, how did it go? ah, it's always great to see your friends after the holidays:)x

    2. Thanks! It was so good, I made loads of friends, but still getting used to the blazer... I don't think you wear uniform, do you? Yeah, the Scouts, annoying lads as they are (only girl in mine!) are really nice and are good mates :)

    3. aw, glad you enjoyed it! boy, do we have a uniform... Skirts to our knees, ties up at the very top, and blazers all the time, teachers stand at the front door and tell you off if it's not right! woo, girl power!;)x

  4. I love this pic! Its so sweet and true :D Thanks for sharing!


  5. That's so lovely! But yes, you're right...not all them of them are ones I've experienced! "Being liked back"..."when he texts you first"..."when he smiles at you"..."being called beautiful..." haha as you can see, he does NOT like me back...

    1. thank you for reading! Yep, I can pretty much agree with you... I'm working on it with the guy I like, though, haha!x

    2. Oooooh tell me more!;) x

  6. Wow that's so true!! Most of the things I have experienced but some not xx My first week at secondary school - whoo hoo!!!


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