Sunday 2 September 2012

Fancy a Back to School Series?

I know most of you English gals are off to school soon, whereas I've been back for 3 weeks already:)

I was just wondering, would you like a Back to School Series?  I've got many ideas of posts to do, and I'm just curious to see if you're interested.  Here are the ideas I've thought of so far:

How I Study
Stress Busters
Staying Organised
School Apps
Sleeping Schedules
How to be a Good Student (no guarantees!)
School Essentials

I'm already working on 'How I Study', as I have a very organised and thorough way that could take a while to explain!

I'm also wondering, would you like a few posts a week, one or two a week or all of them in a week?  (If you want the latter, then you'll have to wait for week beginning 10th, as it could take a while to put together).

Of course, this will include lots of photos and such, and I'm planning on running a competition/giveaway throughout the series and the winner will receive a few pretty school items!  (If I reach 20 followers!)

So, does this sound like a good idea?  If so, comment below and tell me what you think!  If the competition/giveaway is going ahead, we need 6 followers to do so!

Thanks a bunch,
Nicola x


  1. Yes please! This sounds fab! Will talk about it on my blog for more followers... :)

  2. I think this is a brill idea! I would love to have the staying organized post as I seriously don't know how too! Hope you do this :)


    1. Thankyou! I am definitely going ahead with this, so stay tuned for the future posts!<3

  3. This is such a BRILLIANT idea! I would love to have some guides to follow as I'm rubbish at revising and being organised!

    1. Thank you shakira! I'm glad to see such a great response!:D<3

  4. Where are you from! I have been at school for 8 weeks now

  5. This is such a good idea :D I havent even ended school yet, my new school year will be in January haha :)x

    1. thankyou! wow, you start and end school at completely different times, haha! i suppose starting in January would be a lot better:)x


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