Saturday 8 September 2012

Sorry for the Absence and Finding Me Again Update 4/2.

Apologies for not posting for the last few days!  I have been very busty and stressed, and taking a short break seemed to help me regain myself.  

Anyhoo, it seems that we now have 19 followers!  Thank you so much if you are a new follower, and we only need 1 more follower to go before I start posting the Back To School Series!  I've been working hard on the posts, and I was at the shops today, and saw some very pretty school items for the giveaway;)

As for the Finding Me Again Update, P.E. has been my main source of exercise;)

I've been eating a lot healthier as well, having smoothies with my breakfast, not nibbling on bad foods, and fruit instead!  I have to admit, though, that I didn't walk home from school this week, as I would have had to carry my instrument home!

I've been working on a bit of dancing as well:)

To be honest, it's not the best, but it's something!

A quick little reminder for some 'Ask Nicola' questions!  Just comment your questions on any 'Ask Nicola' post, and I will include them in the next post!  I will post your name with it, unless you want to remain anonymous!  Ask absolutely anything, I've had one asking what I had for breakfast! ;)

Talk to you soon,
Nicola x


  1. I would like to be a follower but I don't have a blogspot account/site :( Congrats with the 19 followers!! That's great that you are eating healthily but I can't manage that - hehe!! x Can't wait for the answers to my questions :)


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!