Sunday 16 September 2012

Ask Nicola.

I've had quite a few questions this week, and some good ones too!  Lets get started.

What would you do if you were the odd one out at school... Would you change the way you are and try to fit in or stay true to who you are no matter how much pressure there is?
- Jasmine
I have actually experienced this one.  When I just started high school, most people thought I was a bit different, I would poke fun at myself to make others laugh.  I was always used to being that way at primary school.  There was pressure to be a different way, but I stayed true to myself, and I know it sounds so conceited saying this, but now everyone likes me for me!  It's well worth the wait.

Well there's this new girl in school and she's really annoying, she's bossy, she boasts a lot and is quite a goody two shoes.  But because of this no one likes her and she's always sitting by herself and sometimes crying (she isn't bullied).  So I feel sorry for her but don't know what to do because I think everyone'll hate me if I become her friend but I don't really like her either!  What should I do?
- Anonymous
I know you feel bad for her, but this might be good for her.  She'll realise that people don't like her because of the way she is.  You shouldn't be friends with someone you don't like - it'll make you feel awful all the time!  She's probably just in shock from starting a new school, maybe she was liked at her old school for being that way, and expected the same at your school.  She'll learn to change, don't worry!

What do you do if you're in love with someone who is taken?
I know this situation all too well.  The bad thing is, every single time it is my best friend that he is taken with:(.  It's heart breaking to see him love someone else.  Please don't interfere with their relationship - you wouldn't like that either!  If it's meant to be, then eventually you two will be together.  'If you love something, let it go.  If it comes back, it's yours forever.  If it doesn't, it's not meant to be.'

Should schools have uniforms?
Yes!  My school has one, and quite a strict one too!  Either box pleat or straight skirts between 18" and 22" depending on your height.  Ties at the top and blazers are compulsory.  It gives a sense of unison, almost as if you are the same person, and it means that you don't have to have a new outfit every day.  You should be proud of the school you go to, so you should be proud of your uniform!

To ask a question, please leave your question in the comments of the latest Ask Nicola post.  If you want, feel free to turn on the anonymous option:)

Please enter my back to school giveaway!  Enter here:)

Hope I answered your questions okay!
Nicola x


  1. You are a great agony aunt!! x

  2. You are brilliant at giving advice! :D


  3. My question is - People judge me as a geek who loves books and doesn't dance - I feel like I have to hide the way I express myself like my blog and my love of fashion and makeup and dance - how can I be myself when I've built up this reputation?

  4. My question:
    Recently in school, our teachers have mixed two of our classes up because the other class is to noisy. I was put in the noisier class and I absolutely hate it. I've tried for about two weeks to get used to them, but their so noisy and loud and we don't have the same interests. Since the split, the class I'm now in has a sort of division between old class/new class and all the old class quiet ones. My old class seems fine how they are. I really miss all the good times and laughs we had, and how that class was always there for you-how they didn't laugh when you got something wrong, how they'd talk to you if you were sad... Recently a family member died as well, and I'm struggling with who to talk to without it being awkward. What should I do?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Nicola,
    I have just started at a grammar school, and I love it. It's amazing... the lessons, my friends, the opportunities... but all the local schools hate us; they call us snobs, and stuff I probably shouldn't say online. It doesn't get to us, and we don;t respond, but it does make me feel kind of self-consious. What do I do?

  7. Hey -
    There's this proper annoying girl who stalks my group of friends. We've tried ignoring her, insulting her, but she always comes back. Help!

  8. stop being such a bitch? do you know how damaging it is to someones self esteem to be contantly ignored and insulted?


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!