Sunday 9 September 2012

Ask Nicola & Thank You.

Guess what?  I actually got some questions this week!:D

A big thanks to KuteKitty!  She doesn't have a blogger account, but she has commented some lovely things, and she is the first person to ask me questions!

On with the questions:

1. What did you have for breakfast(I really want to know)?  You can answer that on the day you answer!
I had a toasted english muffin with some egg filler on top, and a mango & passion fruit smoothie:) yummy;)

2. How do you make new friends when you start secondary school? I have friends and 2 new friends but in my form there is this girl who looks nice and we have talked a bit but I don't know how to invite her to join me and my friends or something because I'm shy and she is too. She doesn't have a best friend and only has a couple of people she talks to.
Just go for it!  This is the time when people are very shy, and no-one wants to make the first move!  If you invite her to join you and your friends, just say to her 'hi, I'm (insert name here), do you want to have lunch with us?'  You could even invite the people she talk to as well:)  She'll be glad you did, it breaks the ice between you, and this could be the start of a great friendship!

3. Do you recommend any blogspot sites for me to check out?
Yes, I do!  Any of the blogs I follow are brilliant, a few are:
Life of an Awkward Donkey
Emily's Chronicles
Ebony Black Lines
Un Arc-en Vintage

I hope you liked my answers, KuteKitty, and thanks so much for asking!

A quick massive thank you to all of you guys, we've now reached 20 followers!  Which can only mean one thing - the giveaway will be going ahead!  The first Back To School post will be coming very soon:)

Lots of happiness and love,
Nicola x


  1. Thanks Nicola for answering my questions. It sounds like you had a lovely breakfast - I absolutely love smoothies!! Thank you for the advice on how to make new friends and the recommendations for the blogs are great I have checked them out and they are fantastic!!

  2. Awwh thanks for mentioning me lovely! I have a question..: What would you do if you were the odd one out at school...would you change who you are and try and fit in or stay true to who you are no matter how much pressure there is? xx

    1. you're welcome! and i've answered it in the most recent post!:)x

  3. Well there's this new girl in school and she's really annoying, she's bossy, she boasts a lot and is quite a goody two shoes.But because of this no one likes her and she's always sitting by herself and sometimes crying (she isn't bullied). So I feel sorry for her but don't know what to do because I think everyone'll hate me if I become her friend but I don't really like her either!

    Sorry for this loooong question!

    1. oops forgot to say what should I do?

  4. What do you do if your in love with someone who is taken?

  5. Thanks for mentioning me! :)

  6. Should schools have uniforms?

  7. Dear Nicola,
    I would like to make a blog like the blogspot one but I don't know how to please can you give advice on it and how you made yours. Thanks! KuteKitty

    1. create a blogspot account, then create a blog, and have fun!:Dx


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!