Friday 28 September 2012

Finding Me Again Updates - 3/2 & 3/3

Okay, I do apologise for not posting last week!  I am absolutely shattered this week, I've been doing a lot of studying, so please bear with me, I know my posts aren't consistent!

Basically this month is called 'Get Your Grin On', and it's fair to say that, yes, I've been very happy this week.

I've had loads of lovely compliments on Facebook and a website called  Mainly saying that I'm nice to everyone, and one of the nicest people they know:D  It felt really nice, knowing that even the most popular girls like you for you, and not because you talk about people behind their backs or swear like a sailor.  They like me for me.  And that's what has made me happy.

Also, again, I have been speaking to the guy I like a lot.  We're really good friends now.  I like that we're friends, I get to know him more, and we share the same sense of humour.  I like to leave it as good friends, but I obviously still like him:).  You never know, they say the best relationships come from good friendships.

Although I have been having some friendship issues, and it's hard for me.  I'm stuck in the middle, with my two best friends not liking each other.  One puts in more effort to talk to the other, while the other just ignores her.  Oh well, all will sort itself out in time.

Sorry for ranting on!
Nicola x


  1. ~shudders~ One of my friends - who is also, incidentally, one of the prettiest people I know - was told to she was fat and ugly and should kill herself. You must be a reeeeeally lovely person if no-one takes the advantage of anonymity to give you hate. Or maybe the people you know are just much nicer than those who go to my school...:L

    1. i am very fortunate to not have had any abuse to far! It can be a good or a bad thing. For me, it's a real confidence booster having people say nice things about me, but sadly things like this do happen. I feel really sorry for your friend:(x


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