Sunday 2 September 2012

Finding Me Again Update 3/4.

A quick apology for no 'Ask Nicola' today, I didn't want to leave this too late, and I haven't got any questions!  Just to remind you, you can email me at or comment on any 'Ask Nicola' post.

So, my energy has been a bit lower than usual this week, as I have managed to catch myself a cold.  As I'm trying to recover for now, I've been a wee bit lazy and haven't been as active as normal:)   

I still did P.E. 3 times this week at school, I walked home from school a few times, but I didn't go to Zumba on Friday, as I was shattered from this week at school (it's been very stressful!).

As for my diet, it's been vitamin c and plenty of protein!  Yesterday was my main 'recovery devoted' day, so I had eggs for breakfast along with a vitamin c supplement, and plenty of fruit and orange juice!  I've also been sucking on some Soothers, which has been helping:)

So, apologies for the lack of posts recently, everything is a bit all over the place just now, but I'm working on some posts just now (perhaps a little competition?) ;)

Nicola x


  1. Aw, Hope you feel better very soon. I LOVE the new design. It's so simple and girly. The colours are cute and not stuck in your face so it doesn't take anything from the posts.
    Marian :D x

    1. aw, thank you Marian! :D i'm really happy with the new design as well!xxo


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!