Tuesday 2 October 2012

A Trip to the Post Office...

I've not been to the post office in a while, I'm always relying on mum to send gifts or I'm sending messages through the internet.

The reason that I was at the post office today was to send Jasmine's giveaway prize!

I am very excited to see if she likes it, it's my first giveaway, after all!

This is what it looks like (without the brown envelope, of course).

Ah, I love this wrapping paper!

As I was asking in my previous post, would you be interested in another giveaway?  Not one that's too soon, perhaps Halloween or Christmas?

Or would you prefer a competition where a winner is picked?

I love buying gifts for some reason, it's so fun!

lots of string and brown envelopes,
Nicola x


  1. Wow the wrapping paper is so cute!


  2. I can't believe I found this blog just after the giveaway!!! Oh wells, I'll wait patiently for the next one :) Nice blog by the wayyyyyyyy.
    Ruby - http://feedmebooksnow.blogspot.co.uk

  3. Hey Nicola, just wondering if you would enter my writing comp- it's a Halloween one :)
    Charli xx

  4. Lovely paper! And yes, I love competitions! :D


Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment! I read all of the comments, and I try to reply as soon as possible!