Friday 9 May 2014

...anyone home?

hi, remember me?

I wanted to just post something as I've missed blogging recently and want to get back into it after my exams are done in a week, so I'll just gibe you guys an update then?

Okay, so last time I posted was June/July 2013.  Wow.

Well, since then things ended with my boyfriend, but I'm loving singleton life at the moment!  I did my prelim exams, I was in my theatre group's production of 'Grease' and, well, I'm in the midst of my final exams as we speak.  I've done Modern Studies, English, Maths and Administration over the past 2 weeks, but next week I have Chemistry, French, Music and Biology all crammed into one - uh oh.

But anyhoo, I mainly want to get back into blogging because I've changed my lifestyle a bit recently.  I turned 16 a few weeks ago, and decided that it was time to live life happier and healthier - and I love it!

I've always been one to say 'pfft, exercise' or 'veggies? bleugh', but slowly I'm starting to enjoy the choices I make and I feel so much better about myself.

  • I've cut out bad, sugary drinks from my diet and replaced them with fruit smoothies and fruit detox water
  • I eat 5+ portions of fruit and veg daily
  • I get up at 6:45am as often as I can and go for a power walk/jog (it's much better in the early morning, I promise!) and then I come back home, make a nutritious breakfast, and then do that day's 'Blogilates' workout!

I've found that I've been sleeping so much better, and I've been so much more cheery and bright during the day.  I look forward to getting up early and listening to my music and enjoying the morning when no one else is out, and then having a big mug of green tea to warm up when I get back.

Of course, I can't deprive myself of my favourite foods can I?

Once a week I like to have a 'cheat' meal - tonight's pakora and chilli chips mmm...

And every now and then I'll allow myself some chocolate or sweets or whatever I've been craving, but if I'm wanting to be healthy, I'll have some chopped up fruit along with peanut butter and nutella dips, or add some hot chocolate powder to my banana smoothie.

Anyhoo, I don't want to ramble on too much longer - I might run out of content for the future!  Don't expect a post from me until at least next Friday, the next week will be very stressful, but I'll see you on the other side!

love always,
nic x


  1. yay you're back!! FINALLY!!!

    i hope you've had a great time from blogging, and good luck for the rest of your exams!!!!



      ily yay im so so excited to get back next week!!x

  2. yay cant wait for you to start blogging!


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